Randallgoodwin's Published Articles

Nov 14 2015 - 8:28am

This attack on Paris started 21:15 (CET) at several locations, including the football stadium where France and Germany had a game, from the audience at least two explosions could be heard.

Four hours later Hollande proclaimed a state of emergency, closing the borders. Automatic weapons were used (including AK-47s) and several reports of suicide bombers. It should be said that the civilians of Paris are not allowed to own guns. Of the 7 attacks, one of the bloodiest occurred at Bataclan Concert Hall, where concert goers where there to see an American Death Metal band, where at least 82 were left dead. This act of terrorism is to be the bloodiest event in France since the end of World War II. The borders of France have not been closed since World War II, this is...

Nov 9 2015 - 9:58am

So many people want to jump on the bandwagon for higher wages in America, they think the solution to the problem is to have corporations share their wealth. The concept itself sounds very appealing, who doesn’t want more money.

Truth be told, we live in a world where the amount of money we make depends on how much money we spend each month. The more money we get the more money we spend. This thought process is widely accepted and embellished in the United States, and it’s the main reason your bank account balance tends to diminish.

We the people, as a society need to make changes in our lives that will stop feeding corporate greed so we can finally gain control of our finances.

Now, let me explain why raising wages will not solve your...

Nov 8 2015 - 12:06pm

I see too many people trying to impress others with objects that surround them. Men want to impress women with their car or house. A misconception to these men is that a good women would actually mainly care about these objects. The main type of person you’re going to attract with these things is someone who wants to spend your money.

This is a simple opinion telling men to pay attention to how a women reacts when she sees your car or house. If her eyes light up and her interest in you changes she’s probably not worth the time (at least for a long term relationship). I’m not sure why it’s become so difficult to find a decent women in the world we live in. Most women these days are either too needy or too demanding, I’m don’t want to be rude but most women need more people...



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